It can be tough to be a parent when you are stationed overseas while your son or daughter remains in Texas. However, there are several steps that you can take to remain a constant presence in your child’s life wherever you happen to be.
Communicate with your children whenever possible
There are many ways that you can communicate with your son or daughter regardless of where you are in the world. If you are located in a country with extensive infrastructure, it should be relatively easy to use a smartphone to make calls, send text messages or communicate through social media. If you’re in an area that has poor cell service, it may still be possible to write letters and send postcards while on duty.
Encourage your children to reach out
Your child should be encouraged to write letters, send emails and make other attempts to reach out to you as often as possible. This can help your child feel connected to you even when you’re thousands of miles from home. Furthermore, a letter, picture or video from home can be a morale boost when you’re feeling lonely or homesick.
Highlight the benefits of being away from home
While there may be significant downsides to raising a child from a distance, it can be beneficial as well. Your son or daughter will grow up knowing that you were willing to make significant sacrifices to ensure that he or she had a comfortable upbringing. In addition, your child will understand the importance of maintaining a positive attitude while trying to overcome a challenging situation.
In most cases, it is in a child’s best interest to have a relationship with both parents. This is generally true even if the parents themselves don’t get along. A family law attorney may be able to ensure that you’re allowed to remain in contact with your child while away on military duty.