Your Advocate In The Divorce Process
Divorce can be one of the most difficult and life-changing experiences you will ever face. Even the most amicable situations can result in unexpected conflicts with regard to property and matters pertaining to your children. As you move forward through the divorce process, you want to make certain your voice is heard. You need an attorney and an advocate who can protect your rights and help you pursue meaningful results.
Honest Guidance For Those Seeking A Divorce
At the Law Offices of Rebecca Gonzalez, P.C. in San Antonio, Texas, I understand that divorce is a serious decision. When you meet with me to discuss your options, I will help you explore every option. Is reconciliation a possibility? Could you and your spouse work through this and stay together for the good of your children? I am not going to push you into a divorce if you are not certain it is right for you, and will happily direct you toward resources that you may want to try before you move forward with the divorce process.
However, I also understand that you may have already made every possible attempt to keep your marriage together and it is simply not going to work. You want out, and you need a lawyer to make certain that you get out with your assets and your relationship with your children intact. My goal is to protect your interests through every phase of the divorce process, starting with careful divorce preparation.
As you move through the process, I will educate you about the laws regarding property division, child custody, child support, spousal support and more. I will provide answers to your divorce questions so you understand what is happening at all times.
Uncontested And Contested Divorce Representation
An uncontested divorce is a divorce in which the spouses have reached agreements on all pertinent issues, and there are no disputes to be resolved. A contested divorce is a divorce in which there are disputes over asset division or any other issue.
Although everyone ideally wants to have an uncontested divorce, disagreements can happen that complicate the process, preventing spouses from finding a middle ground. I can assist with both uncontested and contested divorces. I am skilled at using methods like negotiation and mediation to resolve disputes amicably. I am also a time-tested trial lawyer who understands how to successfully argue your position in the courtroom.
I handle divorces of all complexity levels, including but not limited to divorces involving military personnel, high asset divorce cases, disproportionate share, reimbursement claims and prenuptial agreement divorces. I also assist with annulment.
Divorce Advocacy Starts With An Initial Consultation
Contact me today at 726-333-9209 or, if you prefer, by email. Evening and weekend appointments are available, upon request.